Importantly, at these early stages of cortical visual processing, spatial location of visual information is well preserved amid the local contrast encoding.
However, the columnar organization hypothesis is currently the most widely adopted to explain the cortical processing of information.
Rather, "it reflects a particular ability to analyze frequency information, presumably involving high-level cortical processing."
As a result, these layer-specific effects of ACh might function to improve the signal noise ratio of cortical processing.
Macropsia may be a result of optical magnification differences between the eyes, retinal receptor distribution, or the cortical processing of the sampled image.
Identification prevents what general semantics seeks to promote: the additional cortical processing experienced as a delay.
Included in these fundamental features are problems with cortical processing, dysfunction of the basal ganglia, and a sudden and detrimental onset.
For aftertaste, much is unclear about the cortical processing related to its perception.
Imagery that originates from the senses and internally generated imagery may have a shared ontology at higher levels of cortical processing.
In their study, rats were exposed to pulsed noise during the critical period and the effect on cortical processing was measured.