Most individuals with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome do well, despite their cosmetic appearance.
The playable characters have the same abilities, and differ only in cosmetic appearance.
Hygiene and cosmetic appearance are unimportant so more expensive stainless steel is not used.
The station was overhauled in the late 1970s, with repairs made to the structural and cosmetic appearance.
Return to normal function and cosmetic appearance is expected if the knee can be properly aligned.
This would then stain the cornea, correcting the cosmetic appearance for the patient.
Surgical care is used to improve cosmetic appearance.
One study found that it did not improve or worsen the cosmetic appearance in 90% of patients, with a third developing contact dermatitis.
Stitching may be done for cosmetic appearance to reduce scarring.
They are permanent skin changes that may affect the cosmetic appearance of the skin.