The madithar, if worn properly and regularly has certain benefits - medical, cosmetic, and body shaping.
Even vitamins have entered the beauty arena, popping up at high-end cosmetics counters with new packaging that touts their cosmetic benefits over their health benefits.
The most common procedures done for cosmetic benefit in children include:
These surgeries are usually performed for cosmetic benefit rather than for therapeutic benefits.
Surgical treatment for cosmetic benefit is an option in some cases after the disease has been inactive for one to two or more years.
The claims made for ayurveda's purely cosmetic benefits likewise raise eyebrows among dermatologists.
"What is the risk that we are trading off for a cosmetic benefit?"
But it still remains to be seen whether the benefits consistently extend beyond this cosmetic benefit.
Procter has been aggressively working to associate the Crest name not just with oral health but also with cosmetic benefits.
If you sit on a chair next to a mirror, without the cosmetic benefits of tights of course, you will see the skin texture clearly.