Each has developed a system of lessons and degrees to educate its members slowly and lead them upwards to their own particular cosmic truth.
That, however, is still an identification either with a diminished cosmic truth or with the cosmic ignorance.
We have finally arrived at a cosmic truth, though.
What began as a pleasant enough exercise in low-key (if well researched) nostalgia suddenly balloons into a quest for cosmic truth.
Their view was that cosmic truth was so important that every one ought to bear independent testimony.
The modern idea is that cosmic truth is so unimportant that it cannot matter what any one says.
I relay these cosmic truths to the world.
Whether her spiritual take on success represents a cosmic truth is open to interpretation, Tony or not.
Merrill claims there is a magic spell, or cosmic truth, buried within the text that is for the reader to investigate.
Had he stumbled upon one of the great cosmic truths?