This has created an increasingly cosmopolitan environment in the towns and villages of Malta.
Used often in real estate listings, it distinguishes the more cosmopolitan environment of the South Coast area from the surrounding suburbs.
Great scholars such as Panini and Kautilya lived in this cosmopolitan environment.
Veiling has existed for centuries, but was formerly limited to peasant women and working-class communities outside the cosmopolitan environment of large Egyptian cities.
"The ability to socialise with each other, in a very cosmopolitan environment, is very important."
Nairobi is also a wonderful place to grow up: it's an incredibly cosmopolitan environment.
"My hope is that development will reflect a smaller-type, cosmopolitan environment, something very urbane and erudite."
You're a young and attractive lady, unused to cosmopolitan environments.
That came from their more cosmopolitan environment and their generally superior education.
Lastly, with an ever-increasing population of international students, the faculty is proudly developing into a cosmopolitan environment for education.