"A lot of people think this is the wild, wild west, but it's a fairly cosmopolitan place," he added.
Keeping love, or at least marriage, within the tribe seems to be the unspoken preference in even the most cosmopolitan places.
Plans are being made for transforming the street into a pedestrian zone, a place more cultural, cosmopolitan and leisure-related.
Yet Dubai is also a surprisingly cosmopolitan place, with workers coming from all over the globe.
Round Hill, like most of the beings' main outposts all through the various universes, is a very cosmopolitan place.
London was fast becoming one of the world's most cosmopolitan places.
For a moment, at least, this Southern city has been transformed into the most cosmopolitan place on earth.
In the last few decades, immigration has made Queens a far more cosmopolitan place.
In the old days, it was known as the "Paris of the Middle East" and it's still an incredibly cosmopolitan place.
By the end of the 19th century, Manchester was a very cosmopolitan place.