Some parent advocates expressed anxiety yesterday that the cost of the incentive pay could hurt other schools, in particular middle class schools.
Like most families in Ukraine, the rising cost of living - especially food - is hurting them.
"New costs hurt large employers as much as they hurt small business."
As postage rates continue to increase, the cost of delivering products will hurt large-circulation magazines.
Those increased costs, coupled with a recent inability to raise prices without cutting sales volume, will probably hurt the company, he said.
But retailers say the relatively high cost of CD's has also hurt sales.
Mr. Miller said the stock market crash in 1987 and the soaring cost of newsprint also hurt the company.
These costs hurt small business owners the most.
The higher cost of folk art has also hurt dealers.
Corporate spokesmen and some Administration officials are saying the cost of the Senate bill would hurt industry's ability to compete in international markets.