The airlines are the hardest hit, laying off 100,000 workers already and still not able to cut costs enough, industry executives say, to offset their losses.
In that year, India's shaky power grid and the rising cost of electricity offset any profits the company would make.
The way the theater owners see it, the costs would not offset any benefits.
But its higher initial cost may offset the bulb's advantages for many consumers.
But some analysts worry that the costs of complying with the regulations may offset the growth prospects.
"The costs have really offset the falling interest rates and the increased demand."
Higher costs offset the increased sales, which totaled 517.2 million reais.
Under the law, the cost of these failures can only offset income earned from the successful ventures.
They found willing buyers for whom the lower costs offset the longer commutes.
The costs offset an 8 percent increase in net sales for the quarter, mainly in the company's radiology business.