Calls to 800 numbers under 30 minutes are free, and beyond that they cost 10 cents a minute, too.
"We didn't come from parents with money," he said, and it cost 80 or 90 cents to get in.
They cost 50 cents to $1 each, depending on store.
It costs only $100, or less than 2 cents a doctor.
I seem to recall that they cost less than 10 cents each.
The museum costs only $2.50, or 60 cents, for anyone with a student card.
The kind needed probably cost a great deal more than five cents, but it's not likely that they're very expensive.
Thus, I only cost fifty cents to come into the world.
The new policy will cost $130 million, or 24 cents a share, by 2005.
They cost 95 cents each and are designed for children.