Many agencies, though, did make significant cost-cutting changes.
Also at that meeting, the board voted to ask the State Legislature to approve a series of cost-cutting changes to the rules governing services for special education students.
Mr. Patrick would allow the phone companies to keep extra profits they can generate from future cost-cutting changes as long as they reduce average rates each year by at least 3 percent.
The bill is particularly needed, Mr. Wyden said, because the Government's plans for cost-cutting changes in Medicare will increase confusion about the scope of its benefits.
Medical professionals worry that cost-cutting changes might lower the quality of care.
With 24 cost-cutting changes, the price came down by almost $4,500.
Commodore also made other cost-cutting changes including using aluminized cardboard to build RF shields for some of their systems.
When coupled with the other cost-cutting changes and compared with the previously produced and very familiar Model 70, however, it was immediately declared to be lacking.
And doesn't this trans-Channel skirmishing make a refreshing, cost-cutting change for parents who can't face schlepping out in the cold for three hours of raucously infantile entertainment?
And the cost-cutting changes WNYC has made since then - elimination of some programs and shuffling of others - have upset longtime listeners.