Using coloured bins can be a fast and cost-effective system.
The evidence - rather than political rhetoric - suggests that the NHS is a good and cost-effective system.
The old psychoanalytic model is obsolete, replaced by a more cost-effective system.
They produce highly efficient and cost-effective systems for the removal of:
Hot water systems are the most popular and cost-effective systems for cold climates.
The question is, can we have a more cost-effective system for building housing?
One team decided to produce a much smaller and more cost-effective system built entirely with transistors.
The system was, and still is, extremely popular, and cost-effective.
Would it not be unreasonable to discourage developing countries from employing modern, efficient, cost-effective and humane systems of animal husbandry?
The proposal will result in less paperwork for farmers and a more cost-effective system for administration by national governments.