Two years of negotiations led to a contract with the Soviet government to supply goods on a cost-plus basis and buy furs.
Special service, not listed in the master price schedule, was supplied on a cost-plus basis.
It awards outsiders only the right to manage the branches, on a cost-plus basis.
The department does nearly all of its work through contractors, many on a "cost-plus" basis, in which it reimburses all costs and then adds a profit.
BC Ferries had no choice but to do the work itself on a cost-plus basis.
That means "the utility, operating on cost-plus basis, can pass on to rate-payers all its expense over-runs".
Therefore medical providers receive reimbursement on a cost-plus basis.
A. Our jobs-project engineers and those in Hungary would look at the world in terms of a cost-plus basis.
The main answer to this question is that he believes that finance, for productive projects, can be provided through profit-share, cost-plus basis, or leasing.
Tax is charged on a cost-plus basis.