This legislation will prevent a costly and redundant regulatory burden.
Hospitals, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and medical researchers said the rules, issued in the final weeks of the Clinton administration, would impose costly burdens.
The agencies also bear the mission of serving nonpaying patients, a costly burden.
Freed of such costly burdens, companies see themselves as more successful in the intensely competitive global marketplace.
Third, they say that the Federal Government should not put costly burdens on state and local governments without also providing financial aid.
The group maintains that the law is a costly burden to consumers, especially older ones.
They were concerned that it could begin to fade and become a costly burden.
Tigard and other cities may be able to cope with the costly new burden of proof, but they should not have to.
An ageing population is both less productive and a more costly burden on the health services.
It is said that immigrants take jobs away from citizens and put a costly burden on schools, hospitals and other public facilities.