Such numbers suggest that the earthquake was one of the most costly natural disasters in history.
By now, most Americans have come to see the Iraq venture for the costly disaster it has become.
The eastern third is flooded and state officials said the storm might be the state's costliest natural disaster.
That would make it one of the two or three most costly natural disasters in the country's history.
This was the most devastating and costly natural disaster to hit the country in 20 years.
This made it the costliest disaster in the state's history.
Most of the costliest disasters in recent years were storms.
Based on the survey, conducted over six weeks this fall, Andrew will be by far the most costly natural disaster in the nation's history.
Most estimates suggest it will be the insurance industry's costliest natural disaster in American history.
The 1999 quake was the most devastating and costly natural disaster to hit the country in nearly 20 years.