The contamination caused a costly disruption in the nation's grain-handling system and forced the recall of more than 300 kinds of corn chips, taco shells and other foods.
Most important, higher imports are vulnerable to costly disruptions of supply.
Europe's powerful labor unions are fighting a rear-guard action that guarantees many tense moments and more than a few costly disruptions.
I urge the Armed Services Conference Committee to avoid a costly disruption and to keep the MC-12 program where it's already working.
Tommi A. White, chief operating officer of Compuware, said that many companies were frustrated with troubled systems that caused costly disruptions in assembly lines or distribution.
The result has been a costly disruption to the nation's grain-handling system.
And if Congress does not restore the agency's funds by Friday, Mr. Pavlou said, there will be another round of costly disruptions.
The Chernobyl accident, which killed 31 people and sent a radiation plume across Europe, was recognized instantly as a costly economic disruption.
We need to get our arms around it before people do get serious about making costly, costly disruptions a way of life.
Despite repeated inspections of the school by both the board and the construction agency, discoveries of asbestos have twice caused costly disruptions.