If the great mounds were merely monuments to the dead, they were costly ones.
Expensive as they may seem, Bark Deco's beds aren't the most costly ones on the market.
His only major player transactions were costly ones.
Perhaps the most sumptuous amenities, however, are the costly ones designed to serve a narrow but notable segment of the hotel population.
As for the 40 cent burgers, what proportion of them are going to countries where people can't afford to buy costlier ones?
Having talked about inexpensive loudspeakers last week, it now seems fair to allot equal time to costly ones.
The closings included some of the most costly ones in its history.
Dallas committed seven penalties, and a few of them were costly ones that kept Minnesota drives in gear.
Privately, Japanese leaders say this may be a bad time for bold actions, especially costly ones.
These managers agree, too, that campaigns today are television shows, and costly ones.