The House and Senate Medicare bills include provisions to give consumers swifter access to less costly generic versions of brand-name drugs.
The company says less costly versions of the Docutech system will be a component of Xerox's re-entry into the computing business.
He criticized the decision to replace a building that "functions well" with a costly version at a more remote site.
The Senate passed a less costly version April 9.
But in many cases, insurers are refusing to endorse more costly new versions of life-sustaining drugs when cheaper alternatives exist.
The administration expects the Pentagon to keep buying costly new versions of obsolete cold-war weapons systems.
He also promised to sign a less costly version of the bill as quickly as possible, should his veto be upheld.
Now that the budget-conscious post-holiday season is upon us, these less costly versions are particularly appealing.
Drug manufacturers are scrambling to convert their prescription drugs into milder, less costly versions, which are then sold over the counter.
The Swan 500 was a more costly version of the 350, with higher output power and more operating features.