There's also a cottage designed by Alvar Aalto, though it is not listed in most Aalto's biographies.
The land that became Hazelhurst was secured in 1945, where a two-storey cottage, designed with the help of local architect Harry Smith, was built.
Stoneywell is one of five cottages designed by Ernest Gimson in Ulverscroft.
Others are more traditional, like the cottage designed by the architect Eve Reynolds, with a gabled roof.
In 1882, construction began on seven Shingle-style "cottages" designed by Stanford White, which were the centerpiece of Benson's plans.
Guests will eventually stay in 18 cottages designed by 15 architects.
In 1973 a permanent theater was constructed inside the cottage designed for marionette performances.
Also built with the lighthouse was a sandstone keeper's cottage, also designed by Dawson.
By 1957, Flato had a cottage designed and built by the architect Serge Chermayeff.
This is a resort colony of 120 tented cottages designed to sit lightly on the earth.