The Deep South's cotton boom did not occur until after the Indians were forced west in the early 19th century.
Textile mills and industry have been an important factor in the Upland South's economy since the time of the Deep South's cotton boom.
Greensboro became prosperous as part of the cotton boom of the mid-19th century.
Old housing, a relic of the "bad days" of the cotton boom, has been replaced, modernised or renovated in both the public and private sector.
During the American Civil War a shortage of cotton created a cotton boom in Queensland.
The 20s began brightly with the cotton boom.
The cotton boom of the early 19th century brought an explosion of commerce to what had been a sleepy frontier town.
The cotton boom ended during the 1980s because of a decrease in cotton production during the years of violence.
He reaped enormous profits from the cotton boom that changed Bombay's economy for all times to come.
Wealth and power gravitated toward the capital, and the surrounding countryside was caught up in the middle of a cotton boom.