Many councils have introduced "stealth" increases for services such as daily care, meals on wheels and transport to day centres.
I introduce her to Simon, and leave the two of them talking about whether the council should introduce a parking scheme in our neighbourhood.
"The council introduced a new approach to Christian marriage," he said, "and many began to rethink their commitment to celibacy on that basis."
McGruff the Crime Dog was another popular character the council introduced.
In 2008 the council introduced a 'Parish Plan' in order to improve the wellbeing, safety and livelihood of the local community.
Some councils have also introduced charges of up to £20 for residents who take unwanted items to the local rubbish dump.
As the city expands the council has introduced a new statutory development plan.
In the final analysis, only another ecumenical council could introduce such an alteration.
Many councils have introduced them as a means of saving money and encouraging residents to recycle more.
Under his leadership, Birmingham was transformed, as the council introduced one of the most ambitious improvement schemes outside London.