The council also has limited authority to impose local taxes, including income and property taxes (which are subject to state-level approval), excise taxes, and service taxes.
Although the streetcar men would be offered "moral support," the council would limit its membership to skilled workers in the future.
This is partly because the council has limited means of enforcing its recommendations, short of the draconian removal of recognition from an entire course.
These industry-dominated councils generally limit the total fishing effort by limiting the length of the season for individual species.
The council also has limited authority to impose local taxes in the form of an income tax, property tax, excise taxes, and service taxes.
Many councils really do limit care visits to 15 minutes, which doesn't give the carer proper time to wash, dress or feed their client.
Mark Button, director of the Centre for Counter Fraud Studies, said cash-strapped councils have limited resources to put into following up suspicious claimants, making it easier than ever for benefit cheats to get away with it.
The council also has limited authority to impose local taxes, usually in the form of an income tax that is subject to state level approval, excise taxes, or service taxes, like those on dining or lodging.
A consultative council appointed by the king also limits the power of legislators.
Local councils also have limited capacities, including for water supply.