The councils replace the city's local elected school boards, which critics said were often corrupt and dysfunctional.
The council replaced the terraces with the first high rise blocks.
The council has replaced the court as the bogey-man of Mount Laurel, but it proved far less ferocious.
At its next meeting, the council replaced him with Mr. Schueler.
Another petition the following month concluded that the newly formed council "does not replace the national assembly as a constitutional and legislative authority".
This influence ended when a more democratically elected urban district council replaced the commissioners in 1899.
The council demolished it in around the year 2000 and replaced it with a wooden bridge.
Some leaders proposed that the councils replace city and state governments entirely, or work parallel to them.
The State Assembly leadership wants school-based councils to replace the local boards.
The council replaced the Ceausescu Government on Dec. 22.