The counselor will do the nagging about deadlines and will encourage the student to challenge herself and aim for the best college possible.
At the meetings, trained counselors encourage them to adopt a regular exercise regime and teach them how to modify their eating behavior and attitudes toward food.
The counselor or therapist encourages the participants to give their best efforts to reorienting their relationship with each other.
The phone line's counselors encourage these callers not to turn away from the person they are worried about, and to talk about the suicide if possible.
A counselor helps you talk about your feelings and thoughts throughout the experience, encourages you, and offers suggestions to help you deal with the situation or event.
Participants in the last group also had workbooks that reinforced the phone therapy, and counselors encouraged them to do homework between sessions.
Many rape-crisis counselors, knowing the biases of the system, don't encourage most acquaintance-rape victims to press charges.
However, another counselor did encourage her to attend college, and even went to her house to help her fill out an application.
When specific thoughts are considered to be limiting or based on insecurity or conditioning, the counselor encourages the individual to disengage from them.