She noted that afterward people were often "freer" and that counselors reported them to be more verbal during psychotherapy sessions.
She added that counselors from high schools throughout the county are reporting heavier drug and alcohol use among ninth graders.
His counselor reported that he was surly, depressed and belligerent, threatening to run away.
The counselor then reported the incident with the woman's knowledge to police investigators.
Although some counselors reported quiet starts to the school year, one wrote, "The start of our year has been busier than any of my six years."
Since the arrest of the three Northwest pilots, counselors have reported an increase in the number of pilots seeking help for alcoholism.
Substance-abuse counselors working with teen-agers report that 50 percent of the city's population has used drugs or alcohol.
After the session, the counselor reported to Donnie's father that his son was "in denial."
The counselor had reported that Mengre d's interests seemed general, but she noted a tendency for him to search out information about Data.
Staff discomfort with observation typically wanes over time; many counselors report that the sessions are useful in enhancing skills.