This agency is DOD's official Combat Support Agency for countering weapons of mass destruction, including bio-agents.
Washington believes those interests may in some instances push the members into far-flung activities, for example, to counter chemical and biological weapons and the spread of nuclear weapons or terrorism.
The analysis found that much of China's research and training now centers on countering just such an attack, by developing or buying missiles and other weapons that could threaten advanced aircraft.
In 2004, the Pakistan Navy established the Naval Strategic Forces Command and made it responsible for countering and battling naval-based weapons of mass destruction.
Military officials said that the effort was financed by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an arm of the Pentagon that works to counter biological, radiological and chemical weapons.
The second called for specific action to intercept and to counter nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their export.
A rule was put into effect last year to expedite approval of drugs aimed at countering biological, chemical or radioactive weapons.
His responsibilities included developing and coordinating inter-agency policy on countering weapons of mass destruction terrorism, threats to international aviation security, and maritime security policy.
When a farming community is attacked by this group, the settlers are forced to counter the invading army's superior numbers, fanaticism and weapons with home-brewed chemical weapons (mustard gas).
The big strategic issues will be those like demilitarization of Russia and countering strategic weapons proliferation from China.