They are a counter-revolutionary force that we have been unable to overcome.
It was all a trap, some kind of incredible conspiracy of counter-revolutionary forces.
The regiment would become noted as the fiercest counter-revolutionary force in Germany at the time.
It was at this point that a counter-revolutionary force attacked a large group of these protesters with knives and sticks.
After six days of battle and running low on food and ammunition, the uprising was suppressed by counter-revolutionary forces, in which 300 Bolshevik workers died.
They argued that this was a response to attacks by counter-revolutionary forces.
In that sense, Marx saw the lumpenproletariat as a counter-revolutionary force.
These 'counter-revolutionary" forces were suppressed, and the ring leaders were punished.
During the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), however, he was denounced as a counter-revolutionary force.
After the German revolution of November 1918 he came into contact with counter-revolutionary forces.