These counterfeit notes are so good that they are indistinguishable from the originals.
Both features make counterfeit notes both easier to detect and more difficult to successfully produce.
The Bank of England says it usually takes several weeks for counterfeit notes to reach it from banks or building societies.
Additionally, a banknote counter may sort banknotes into batches and check for damaged or counterfeit notes.
Then he removed all the counterfeit notes from the safe, save for a small bundle of five pound notes.
There are methods to detect counterfeit notes, whether clean or dirty.
These features are designed to help Canadians protect themselves by detecting counterfeit notes.
Public confidence in the Bank made it a popular target for counterfeiters from an early date, and some counterfeit notes have also survived.
In addition, the progress made in the field of printing technology has made it increasingly difficult for the lay person to distinguish genuine from counterfeit notes.
In counterfeit notes, the printed lines will be broken and there may also be ink smudges.