Do you know that this was Andor Béres, the head of the counterintelligence division?
During the war, he was a captain in the counterintelligence division of the Hungarian Air Force.
Mr. Geer's deputy in charge of administrative duties, Gary Penrith, is also leaving the counterintelligence division.
But the job of catching spies falls to the F.B.I.'s counterintelligence division.
Deemed mediocre by his superiors, he was nonetheless elevated to chief of the Soviet branch of the counterintelligence division.
As a squad supervisor in the counterintelligence division, Mr. Hanssen led one of more than two dozen such squads.
That's why the FBI has a counterintelligence division.
Assigned to a counterintelligence division.
While there have been numerous books written on the F.B.I., none have focused on the bureau's secretive counterintelligence division.
In 1931, Heinrich Himmler began setting up a counterintelligence division of the SS.