He was haranguing against the crimes, sins and counterrevolutionary activities of all the teachers.
He apparently was first sent to a labor camp in 1955 or 1957 - accounts vary - for counterrevolutionary activity.
That's the full extent of my counterrevolutionary activities.
Kozyrev was arrested in November 1936 and sentenced to 10 years for counterrevolutionary activity.
The officials reported the status of the two men and three others who were sentenced to long prison terms for "counterrevolutionary" activities.
Then it was from 11 at night until 2 in the morning, watching to see that there were no counterrevolutionary activities.
The government then threatened to detain him longer if he continued promoting his counterrevolutionary activities in Cuba.
Her husband was accused of counterrevolutionary activities in 1979 and executed by a firing squad.
He was charged with counterrevolutionary activity in October 1976, and sent to prison.
Later she was accused of concealing weapons intended for counterrevolutionary activities.