Other internal counting rules, such as double-counting final stacks of ballots, have been announced, temporarily applied, and then rescinded.
The justices questioned the decision to change the counting rules, and also asked what constituted a valid ballot.
Under complex counting rules designed to insure proportionality, the exact distribution of seats may not be known until late Saturday.
By using the beginning-year counting rule, SBA reports that small business generated 557,000, or 82 percent, of the jobs.
If the end-year counting rule is used, small business destroyed 872,000 jobs.
In all likelihood, both sides will agree to stick by the old counting rule.
For equipment, the military analysts used complex counting rules to compile comparisons.
This pointing counting rules may vary from place to place, or may be voided.
Special syllable counting rules apply to French poetry.
Both sides can legitimately defend the accuracy of their figures because of the different counting rules used by each side.