Hardly another country in the world complains that it takes in too few immigrants.
Caribbean countries complained that their tiny economies could be greatly damaged by rapid market liberalizations.
In beer, each country complains that the other has unfairly restrictive practices.
Western countries complained that he had failed to press Vietnam to abandon its military occupation of Cambodia.
Some poor countries complained bitterly about a so-called green room, where selected delegates haggled over details.
Any country (or private group like the Sierra Club), believing that a nation is not enforcing its laws, can complain.
Many countries and environmental groups have complained that the United States has strongly resisted commitment to a gas reductions goal on its home turf.
"Now, other countries can't complain any more about Japan's big trade surpluses."
But poor countries complain that many categories currently free from restrictions involve goods they do not produce, like jet aircraft.
It is hardly surprising that the poor countries are complaining and demanding more of us now, for the experiences in Rio were alarming.