Other countries have grappled with terrorism.
As the country grapples with the impact of a growing recession, a cost-benefit analysis of our criminal justice system is especially germane.
As the country grapples with an energy crisis that has turned the focus of investment toward power generation, the road's completion seems even more distant.
King also cited risks to UK growth from troubles in the eurozone, a key trading partner, where countries are grappling with their own fiscal reforms.
The country also has been grappling with a string of bank failures that began in August 2000.
The country is grappling with deep deflation, which threatens to strangle its growth.
Homework, Mr. McGrew said, is one issue the country should grapple with.
Despite recent economic growth and modest natural resources, the country grapples with substantial poverty, and the tourist industry is not highly developed.
The emergency comes at a time when the countries are still grappling with the political and social effects of the violence that ripped apart their societies.
The country is grappling with a dangerous mixture of economic and political troubles.