Both countries have indicated that they wanted to negotiate withdrawal schedules for Russian troops.
"We'd like to see the continuation of the free trade talks, and 29 countries have indicated their support for moving ahead."
But neither country has since indicated that it will act early.
"Both countries indicated that there would be movement on American hostages."
Attending countries in bold indicate first attendance for that year:
Each country indicated the fiscal and monetary actions it intended to take to achieve those results.
In spite of such efforts, several countries indicated that their athletes would arrive at the games as late as possible to limit exposure to pollution.
But many countries indicated an unwillingness to begin discussing a dismantling of the arrangements that restrict competition in air and sea transportation.
If a country has indicated that it is not willing to receive any or only certain forms of 'green' list waste, its wishes must be respected.
New Zealand's export certification has since been reinstated and some countries have indicated they will accept fruit again.