What other country is required to keep such open borders?
But such countries are required to tell the Council immediately when they exercise that right.
Every country should be required to maintain and fund essential health care services.
The rule requiring countries to sing in their own national language has been changed several times over the years.
In order to be included a country was required to have at least 400 test takers total.
Other countries were also required to undergo inspections in critical areas where trafficking is most likely.
But this provision is more moderate than last year's bill, which would have required such countries to reduce their surpluses by 10 percent a year.
However this year for the first time, countries were required to cast their votes in ascending order, 1,2,3 etc.
At Kyoto, a central issue was whether developing countries would be required to chip in on emissions cuts.
The report identifies several priority areas in which individual countries will be required to make further efforts before they can adopt the euro.