But in a country racked by years of political and economic turmoil, there is profound uncertainty about what the secret ballot will reveal.
In a country racked by poverty, she goes on about her success in turning a fixer-upper mansion into "the most beautiful campaign headquarters in town."
The arrest of Raul Salinas de Gortari, 48, sent powerful new shock waves through a country racked by political and economic turmoil.
Successive coups since assassination of the dictator Heureaux in 1899 had added civil strife and anarchy to the list of woes of a country already racked by desperate financial problems.
The plan was devised in part by Domingo Cavallo, the former Finance Minister of Argentina, who was seen as having brought financial stability to a country racked with hyperinflation.
First, if many Nepalese were once willing to give their king a chance to bring peace and stability to a country racked by a violent Maoist rebellion, they seem to have lost their patience.
In a country racked with deep environmental troubles, the Green Party does not even have a bold environmental platform.
By one estimate, free trade could raise income in Latin America by $500 per person - a huge boost in countries racked by poverty.
This was Mr. Gilman's third trip to Zimbabwe, a scenic country racked by hunger and political violence.
The killing raised new questions about the viability of conducting fair trials for Mr. Hussein and his associates in a country racked by insurgent and sectarian violence.