This marks an increase in corruption since 1999, when the country ranked 4.1.
Without considering land use changes the country ranked at fifty eighth.
The country ranked over half of all European nations.
The country ranked twelfth in the world for its number of active troops in service.
The other countries of Northern Europe also ranked high.
When the United States association was first formed, the country ranked 64th in the world.
This score represented a significant improvement since 2007, when the country scored 2.1 and ranked 150th of 180 countries.
But with only 4.9 telephone lines per 100 people, the country ranks 82d worldwide, according to a recent Government study.
Several studies have seen our country ranked near the bottom of the technologically advanced nations in math achievement.
Some West African countries rank among the poorest in the world, and the offers have been tempting.