Unlike his predecessors, he remained adamant that no commissions should be made on arms, when the country was reeling under civil war.
And obviously our country is still reeling from the worst economic turmoil we've known in generations.
The year was 1979 and the country was still reeling from the second of two oil embargoes.
Sino-Spanish relations began in 1973 after both countries were still reeling from the aftermath of civil wars.
The Asian countries are already reeling from financial crises.
That was the first year-on-year drop since October 1998, when the country was still reeling from the 1997-1998 economic crisis.
For a while, they seemed to work, but now the country is reeling from recession and is in danger of defaulting on its international debt.
That strikes a blow to the heart of Japan's self-image, and the whole country is reeling.
Any country would have been reeling after such a blow.
But one does not create such a transgressive play in a country still reeling from many years of pain without suffering the consequences oneself.