To some extent, the Act addresses an international problem, but not all countries regard unauthorized technology transfer as illegal, when done for commercial purposes.
But the recent crackdown in Kenya has disappointed people here because the country regards itself as a democracy.
A further complication has arrived in the form of a new member, China, which some developing countries regard as their heavyweight champion.
Where a price has declined, it has generally been to a level that most other countries regard as merely high, rather than astronomical.
Many countries regard military activities as sacrosanct, permitting environmental destruction in the name of country protection.
Each country regarded the other as a major military threat.
"But there's a realization that this will occur when those countries regard it as appropriate for domestic reasons, rather than in response to outside pressures."
Other developing countries should not regard this step as fulfilling demands for just such restrictions that dominated international discourse in the 1980's.
Some countries, such as Germany, do not regard a waste as hazardous if it is intended for recycling.
For many years, the country regarded this Group as one of the highest tax payers of it.