Some countries, the report says, threatened to withhold support from the entire assistance package if the Arak project were included.
If any other country had threatened another so blatantly the case would immediately have been on the U.N. agenda.
In the last year, some countries have threatened legal action against American farm programs.
Other countries also threatened to boycott the games.
Portugal, the only other country threatened with a warning, will also side with Germany.
But no country threatened with it could be sure that it would not.
What would be our reaction if another country demanded or threatened to remove President Bush?
Only too glad of an opportunity to pull out, the richest countries are threatening to cut back the funds intended for the least developed.
Not only that, but these criteria threaten to exclude too many countries, especially all the southern States of our Union.
She took to spending most of her daytimes outdoors, The open country threatened sunstroke; and besides, the woods held more nature to study.