Ric was in the passenger's side with the window down and country-and-western music on the stereo.
Neither is their country-and-western music, though surely that's just because they had such bad 60's rock-and-roll.
He turned suddenly and called back, "I hear that Savich is big into country-and-western music.
Mozart would have cast her out of the classical club if he knew she was smiling over some god-awful country-and-western music.
It turns out they also love American country-and-western music.
They drive cars, wear Western clothes, speak English, and play country-and-western music.
As a child growing up in the 1950's, in a predominantly black community, I wasn't allowed to play country-and-western music in my house.
Coretti turned to the woman in green, and murmured haltingly: "Do you enjoy country-and-western music?"
A couple of bars along her path belched out nothing more threatening than cigarette smoke and country-and-western music.
Don't be alarmed by the piped-in country-and-western music: this place is authentic.