Savich was looking through an empty closet, singing a country-and-western song under his breath.
It had to be a line from a country-and-western song, but of course she'd never heard it before.
She'd better watch it, or she'd soon come across like the wronged woman in a country-and-western song.
Or your old boyfriend with a drinking problem still thinks you are the hero of his own country-and-western song?
Every time she opens her mouth, a country-and-Western song comes spilling out.
Perhaps if he played a country-and-western song backward.
Bill brought it in, and it was a one-minute long country-and-western song.
It has country-and-western songs, along with the familiar Oz characters as puppets.
A jukebox against the wall at one end of the counter was softly playing a country-and-western song.
Then again, it would be a trip to do a country-and-western song.