The letter to advertisers said it would document Alpharetta's "A" list and report on the country-club set and on rich eligible singles.
The agnostics among the country-club set were stirring in their seats.
Okay, there was one good thing that had come out of my divorce and involuntary demotion from the country-club set to the servant sector.
Bolan idly wondered if Portocci had been accepted by the country-club set, as he cruised past in an inspection of the Mafia boss's mansion.
Oh, we like the country-club set, but we don't have time for someone with real problems.
No country-club set.
Beyond the country-club Republican set, nobody seems to like him very much.
Too many Democratic politicians have been slipping and sliding away from the less fortunate, trying to appeal to the country-club set.
They rode steeplechase with the country-club set and raised orchids in their greenhouse.
In the coming weeks, the Vanguard Group plans to announce its new Admiral Funds, a high-minimum fund group for the country-club set.