In recent years, the races for top county jobs have not descended to such rancorous levels.
Through attrition, mainly, he cut county jobs to 6,500 from 8,300.
Tourism is an important county industry and was directly or indirectly responsible for 430 county jobs in 1988.
Proficiency in a second language would be stricken as a requirement for nearly all county jobs.
With family plumbing and cleaning businesses, she did not need a county job.
He said the two men helped operate the ring while in their county jobs between June 1996 and March 1997.
He won the county job, but it was not enough.
As for a county job, "They're going to be laying off people," she said.
The budget also reflects an 3.3 percent decrease in county jobs from attrition during the last two years.
The proposal also called for the reduction of 300 county jobs through early retirement.