New York State, however, did not develop a program that allowed pre-investigations of cases, and the county moved to start its own plan.
The county moved from 70 to 31 out of the top 200 metropolitan areas "Best Performing".
In some cases, the county is moving to return the rents to 25 percent of the marinas' annual gross.
The county could move to reinstate the land transfer tax, or increase property taxes, but both options carry great political risk.
The whole county and its local people have moved to the new county of Yunyang.
The county is moving to terminate the two-year contract.
The parties envisioned that the county would move about 750 employees into the newly constructed building from eight other locations by mid-2014.
The county moved the center back into Precinct 3 after the 2000 Census.
No such relief is under consideration, but the county has moved to help riders.
In some cases, the county pays broker's fees and moving expenses.