The county raises about $6 million a year for the water quality fund.
He also has called for a special election next fall so that counties can raise their own sales taxes.
The county's Medicaid bill this year will come to $18.5 million - nearly equal to the total the county raises in property taxes.
By then, the county had also raised several small loans for road works.
The county has raised the sales tax to 8 percent from 7 percent to pay for the program.
Practically the entire police force, sixty strong, would be on duty tonight, to protect the half million dollars that the county had raised.
Some counties and cities have raised the possibility of a legal challenge.
The county raised the funds for its construction by selling town lots.
The county raised the first $100 million for the program through a recent bond issue.
To help make ends meet in the next fiscal year, the county will raise fees for services at some parks.