The county has sold more than 11,000 permits at 50 cents a month for families to use the spaces.
The county is selling property to consolidate offices and reduce costs.
The county sold the building to an Iowa City developer in 2010 for $570,004.
It gives municipalities the first chance to buy land the county is selling.
The county has sold $75 million in tax anticipation notes at a rate of 2.83 percent.
After losing several million dollars in the latest state budget, the county laid off workers and sold its only golf course.
The county will sell the compost for $30 to $40 a ton.
The county sold the hospital in 1983 to American Medical International.
He said the county would sell bonds to pay for its share of the purchase rather than relying on existing environmental funds.
The county sold the building in 1940 after the present courthouse was built.