In recent years, the Conservative line has generally been considered crucial to Republicans running in countywide races.
"There are so many intangibles here, and neither candidate's organization has ever been tested in a countywide race."
They pointed to the party's defeat in recent countywide races and quietly referred to Mr. Baranello's memory lapses as signs that he should step down.
The only prominent countywide race this year is for district attorney, and it's no contest: the incumbent, Thomas J. Spota, has been endorsed by both major parties.
He was first elected as a juvenile court judge in a countywide race in 1966, and has won every re-election campaign since then, usually running unopposed.
We endorse her and Mr. Glasser in the countywide race.
The abortion-rights group, which recently observed its 25th anniversary, each year endorses candidates for countywide races, the State Legislature and the County Board of Legislators.
Given the sharp divisions between city and county voters, Mr. Johnson's chances in a countywide race are unclear.
He also noted his experience as a county official and a candidate who has won three countywide races with at least 60 percent of the vote each time.
He declined to discuss whether the committee had picked candidates for the other countywide races on November's ticket.