Young women not only stitched the alphabet on samplers but also embroidered family trees, images of couples courting and people surrounded by dogs, sheep and goats in pastoral settings.
Many depicted couples courting or honeymooning, often in fanciful surroundings such as a Well Fargo stagecoach.
Tommy Atkins in the Park is an 1898 British short black-and-white silent comedy film, directed by Robert W. Paul, featuring couple courting in a park who are forced to use desperate measures to get rid of a stout matron who interrupts them.
Phebe Warner's coverlet from 1803 incorporates mostly English chintzes and printed linens, cut up in a bounty of images - birds and flowers three times the size of the sheep, children and a couple courting.
"The cumbia, a good example of the fusion of Indian, Black and White elements that simulates a couple courting and is characterized by the elegance and subtle movements of the woman's hips to the rhythm of a drum and flute."
The film, set in Edwardian London, begins with a young couple courting in the woods.
A couple courting in an interior.
On the left in the foreground is a couple courting, in the middle there is a banjo player playing while an adult woman dances with a child as others look on.
The film then features the couple courting in General Motors' latest cars.
Young couples courting in public say they are frequently harassed as well.