Then the photon flux density (watts per metre squared usually) of the transmitted or reflected light is measured with a photodiode, charge coupled device or other light sensor.
High-Resolution Chips The Toshiba Corporation, for instance, is discussing a video imaging chip, known as a charge coupled device, that has a resolution of two million picture elements, or dots.
Dr. Stanek snapped pictures at 35-second intervals, using an electronic sensing instrument known as a charge coupled device attached to the Whipple Observatory telescope.
The image may be projected onto a translucent screen for real-time viewing (popular for observing solar eclipses; see also camera obscura), or can expose photographic film or a charge coupled device (CCD).
When the charge coupled concept was co-invented by Boyle and Smith, Tompsett immediately designed the first charge coupled device (CCD).
In the 1990s development of charge coupled device (CCD) imagers to read barcodes was pioneered by Welch Allyn.
The third approach, and the one utilized for this project, is to use a tapped c.c.d. (charge coupled device) delay line.
WIRO-Prime, a 2048x2048 charge coupled device (CCD) imaging camera mounted at the prime focus.
Light detection systems that may use amplification e.g. by a photodiode or a photomultiplier tube or a cooled charge coupled device.
His invention began in 1975 with a broad assignment from his supervisor at Eastman Kodak Company, Gareth A. Lloyd: to attempt to build an electronic camera using a charge coupled device (CCD).