In audio amplifiers the resistive load (loudspeaker) is coupled via a transformer to the amplifier.
The angular velocity is the same for both wheels (they are coupled via a rigid axle), so the larger diameter tread speeds up, while the smaller slows down.
In general, the potential energy surfaces are coupled via the vibronic coupling terms.
The higher cogwheel drive and the lower cogwheel are coupled via an intermediate gear with a transmission ratio of 1:2.43.
In this device, a reservoir of Cooper-pairs is coupled via Josephson junctions to a gated superconducting island.
The light may be coupled via multi-mode, single-mode and even PM (polarization maintaining) fiber.
Two, or more, engines can be coupled via an electric clutch.
The research is structured around the use of an ensemble of models that are being coupled together via advanced large scale mathematical programming techniques.
However, event-architectures are tightly coupled, via event subscriptions and patterns, to the semantics of the underlying event schema and values.
The engine is coupled to an Allison Transmission four-speed automatic transmission via a Cadillac Gage power transfer unit.